------------------------------------------------------------- Update 0.9 [Features:] -NEW GAMEMODE!!! -Campaign. This includes a single 100% WIP chapter. Most everything will change. (maybe except for the basic plot) -each character has two alternate weapons to use, (this will be used in the campaign) -more gamepad integration -new enemies in arena 1 [Changes:] -quieted volume in general -intro now plays every boot -altered intro -shadows, adding a bit of depth to the overall look -game begins with the intro, then transitions into the campaign, this is also WIP, so things may change -XP has a new trail effect -fixed typo in the intro -fixed the aiming with some attacks -stunning has a new effect animation -screenshake stops in a consistant manner -most if not all melee primary characters had have a large strength buff to be more viable in later arenas -all melee attacks are solid colors [Ketsu] -visual overhaul -consistant design with portraits -more destinct look -more animations (attacks, idle animation) -fixed the long lasting bug with Ketsu's rapidfire bow -fixed aim animation -arrow sprite has been altered -arrows are stronger faster -stats have been rebalanced -default bow uses 5 stamana instead of 3 -given a minor strength buff [Shadow] -homing shots have had a strength nerf -a bit more hp, [Sal] -dual pistols were buffed again [Trance] -shock kunai trail tweaked [Keeper] -adjusted secondary sprite [Manager] -manager has a tag on him when an enemy is tagged -minion has a chance of tagging enemies when attacking them -minions can no longer collide with manager [Enemies] -all enemies have universal hit sounds and death sounds (taking a few ques from other games in terms of sound design) -improved multiple enemy animations -revamped enemy pathfinding, making speed consistant, and more accurate -added some new collision to avoid collision with corners -a few new corpse sprites in arena 1 -mage behavior tweaked [arena 1] -enemy arrows are faster -enemy spawns tweaked -less enemies overall -slightly more ranged enemies -design slightly altered -new enemies -begins to appear on a given wave before the boss [arena 3] -acid alien has been nerfed -rate of fire has been reduced -needs to be closer to attack [Fixes:] -arrows and knives have proper collision, fixing around the corner -diagonal collision is fixed -Code cleanup. Again- again- AGAIN!!! -Fixed typos in intro (oops) -fixed mouse sprite on fullscreen/scaled resolutions ------------------------------------------------------------- Update 0.8.1 hotfix [Fixes:] -mouse works on fullscreen and scaled resolutions ------------------------------------------------------------- Update 0.8 spit 'n shine! NOTICE: Any framrate higher than your monitors refresh rate (in my case it was higher than 60) causes slowdown with vsync. [Features:] -an intro plays the first time starting the game, (featuring "The Runaway" By Eric Matayas) -reworked screenshake along with intensity options, -90 and 120 frames per second are now an option. (60 FPS felt slightly sluggish in controls) -option for enemy corpse degration. Enemy corpses turn to transparent ash after so long, -Vendor has a proper unlock, -arena 1 and 3 -tile variation, -revamped gamepad controls, they now work in the menu (with ecception for the item equipment menu) they are, however, a work in progress, -gamepad is automatically enabled upon use, -when the gamepad is enabled, the title screen changes acoordingly (ala Fast Action Heroine) -most enemies have their own sound effects and more polished visual effects, -melee enemies have full animations, -ranged enemies have muzzle flash and sounds, -in a similar vein, all melee collisions have been revamped, (after realizing my previous "fixes" didn't work) -Keeper A mysterious figure. The guard of the cells in Deathrow. Equipped with dual scythes, he deals massive damage but has the least stamana of all characters. -Manager The owner of Deathrow. Keeps track of the prisoners progress throughout the arenas. Equipped with a revolver, he tags his enemies and gains control over them. (does not have his proper unlock yet) -DeathRow (main menu) details! -pre-existing hud sprites have been redesigned, -each primary part of deathrow has their own "owner," -much of the internals and some of the external design has been changed, -toggle options now have "on" and "off" for proper distinction, -additions to arena 3! -new enemies! -Beater Cyborg, -Acid Slinger -acid pools, -multiple vatriations, -Challenges! Complete challenges, gain rewards! (Still somewhat WIP, need to add real challenges, not just unlock rewards) [Fixes/Changes:] -movement changes to work properly with multiple FPS options and items, -rebalanced item that alter speed, -fixed constant shop tier changing, (Item tiers are now saved) -potion drop change is lower (1 in 6 by default) -potions grant a tad more hp, -item help text has black border, -F1 and F3 no longer function. There are now in game menus (pause, deaths, ect) -music volume is at 3 by default, -adjusted item descriptions, -defualt fps is now 120, -loot bag effects are now synced with fps, -Fixed bits of the title screen, -menu movement is cosistant across all fps modes, -??? has consistant sprites, -??? has a brighter death animation, -ranged ??? has a new bullet sprite, -countdown has been re-colored to white, -tweaked character information bubbles for arena 3, -can no longer hold down left click in the character select menu, -fixed in game hud drawing with pausing, -fixed issue with shop unlock and spawn, -fixed more issues with buying from the shop, (bleh...) -removed "gamepad" option, -all unlocks display reguardless of what is currently unlocked, -Sal protrait has been altered slightly, -hud font tweaks, (some still a work in progress) -rebalanced arena 2 enemy distribution, (much less overwhelming by the boss) -arena 2 boss: -fixed crash with arena 2 boss bullets, -fixed directional issues... (the all to common issues) -added a shield effect for immune moments, (may be a bit glitchy when sprite appears) -actually looks where it's going when following from behind walls, -fixed aggressive turret animations issues, -mooore cleaaaanuuuuuuupp!!! -removed leftover junk not used, [Ketsu:] -another sword mask tweak, -more attack balancing due to experimental enemy changes, [Shadow:] -more health balancing, -more attack balancing due to experimental enemy changes, [Sal:] -muzzle flash is now a single frame on the bullet, -finally properly aligned bullets with gun when firing, -more attack balancing due to experimental enemy changes, [Maav:] -Inverted and adjusted bullet colors, [Trance:] -more attack balancing due to experimental enemy changes, -secondary no longer alters speed, [Levi:] -magic missile homing diameter has been reduced, (nearly halved) [Vendor:] -screen shake intensity has been lowered a tad, -more unique sounds, -gun primary no longer uses stamana, -secondary has been revamped (as per usual), is now "quick step," a more gradual instant teleport, -sprite and particles for secondary use, -particles emitted when using secondary, [Enemies:] -first boss spawns a tad later, -Bow skeleton damage is nerfed, -melee enemies can start and/or finish their attack while moving, -mage and first boss's fire summon sprite have more animation, -passive turret chase distance tweaked, (no longer stutters) -most all enemies have has health reductions, -more enemies per-wave have been tweaked to compensate for the previous change, -acually fixed ??? aim this time around, -??? no longer disappears after it's shield hp reaches exactly 0, -??? no longer draws hp, -Factory sentry has a revamped attack hitbox, ------------------------------------------------------------- 0.7: literally everything [Features:] -New Character: Vendor, as an avid collector of previous heroes' weapons and equipment, vendor has made quite the arsenal for herself. Including a energy based knife while at close range, and a classic pistol of an unknown calibur for long range attacks. When needing to get close and personal Vendor has a futuristic teleporter for quick get aways, at the cost of much energy. (featuring by far the most detailed portrait animation i've ever made) -New Area!! Featuring: -two brutal enemies, -a rather large layout, -a new music track! [World of Automations, by Eric Matyas at soundimage.org] -removed enemy health bar, merely to see how it feels, -block is finally dead, (leftover variable from Ketsu's original "secondary" from the "addictive" build) -options button is dead D: -item bag/button is also dead >:D -ANOTHER MENU OVERHAUL!!!!!!! -intro sequence, -items have descriptions, -Death Row, -options selction :D -can be controlled via keyboard now, (maybe gamepad in the future...) -SHOP!!!! buy and sell items with xp, -major enemy changes, -revanmped default enemy AI, -added alternate enemy types, -with these alternate enemy types, adds more general diffuculty, -stamana meter now scales like health, -cursor sprite for gun reloading, -health potion animation addition, -items are now tier based, and tier progress with each arena unlock, [Bugs/Changes:] [Msc:] -fixed a multiple 60 fps oversights, -xp is now saved when closing the -moved all the mid-game hud-drawing to GMS' GUI drawing, hopefully will be "structurally" faster, -changed menu cursor sprite, -minor item stat "balances," -name plates and unlock plates for second arena and beyond are readjusted, -major cleanup, such as removing unused variables, oversights, and such, -behind the scenes tweak to allow secondary attack adjustments easily made, -default keybindings are now WASD, -FPS now defaults to 60, -completely changed wall collision, -exiting video settings no longer centers window, (still centers when changing video settings to prevent window from going and staying offscreen) -lowered sound sample rate to hopefully increaase performance and file size (music is the unchanged) [Arena 1:] -minor changes to layout, -tileset changes for variety, [Arena 2:] -tileset changed for variety, [Enemies:] -enemy searching has been tweaked, (hope will change more in the future) -drop chance average items has been increased from 1 in 6, to 1 in 20, (bosses still always drop items) -all enemies have the same change, -altered spawn percentages for first arena, -gladiators have actually decent sprites, -first arena boss has independant sprite, -tweaked prexisting enemy properties and sprites, -turrets fire in patterns (passive fires once in shorter burst, acitve fires three in a slightly longer burst) [Ketsu:] -sprite changes, (now left handed :D) -sword hitbox is slightly smaller, -sword slash sprites had a much needed coat of paint, -another minor secondary buff... (back and forth and back and forth...) [Shadow:] -minor primary strength buff, -plain orb explosion has paticles inside, -gave shadow orb impact blast (with enemies) a much needed radius increase, as well as sprite, -blast with enemies has its own (again, much larger) sprite, -overall blast power is nerfed to compensate, -orb properly explodes when collising with a boss, -missed projectile count is increased by one, -orb blast damage against bosses is definitavely halved, [Sal:] -secondary moves faster in general in less time, -bullets move slightly faster, [Maav:] -fixed oversight in visual effect, -bullets move slightly faster, [Trance:] -minor health buff -secondary now only slows Trance down, -minor menu select animation tweak, (by, like, a single pixel) -"packful ring" actually gives knockback to Trance's attacks, [Levi:] -magic bullets have been nerfed, (slower turns, and slightly weaker) -rate of fire scales with strength in combo as well, -magic bullets change in color with combo, -tiny effect added to menu portrait, -minor secondary AOE inrease, along with visuals, [Known Bugs:] -enough added speed (or a decimal speed value?) causes slippery movement, -screen shake is still wonky, -through specific doings, vendor can get stuck in walls, -new ranged enemy is unbalanced and glitchy, ------------------------------------------------------------- 0.6: X10 intensity [Features] [Msc:] -Audio overhaul (uses new GMS audio system, buggy but effective) -Placeholder music!!! (By Eric Matyas, at [http://soundimage.org/] great stuff, but doesnt quite fit the game yet...) -Title screen -proper death screen -options and hud overhaul (added a few options, also reworked some) (NOTE: gampad has been disabled as it has been broken with recent menu changes) (sound & music volume can be increased/decreased!!) -mouse buttons can be reversed (mb1=secondary mb2=primary) -xp counter for main menu (does nothing atm) -players have actual hurt animations as well as knockback (does not apply to bullets) and sound effects -a few test status effects (seeing if they're worth going deeper with) [In-Game:] -New Character: Levi: A scientist who obtained a strange power during his experiments, and obtained the power of a mage before being dragged into ARANA. [Primary attack:] magic, homing missile, uses 1/2 a stamana point,three homing shots that add in power with each shot that lands. [Secondary attack:] heafty strike, Levi forms a powerful energy sword to strike a devistating blow with wide range. But requires half of his energy to do so. -New enemies: [Arena 2:] -robot sniper -robot assasin -Mastermind minions (only enemies that drop stamana potions) -New Boss: [Arena 2:] -Mastermind *Items suguested :3* -Pause! (press esc) -pause things! (F1 to return to menu, F3 to exit) -WIP item system, adding stats buff and other effects (NOTICE: when I say WIP I mean it. most items are broken (balance wasn't at all a focus for these), and the means of obtaining them are not final. the finished system will have a shop using experiance earned, as well as selling options. Monsters will also bearely drop items once it's finished. I'll also need to look into labels for items... But until then: experiment!! And enjoy :D) [Fixes/Changes] [Msc:] -ranged characters have their own cursor -tweaked boss spawn conditions -reworked unlocks -improved bullet collision -reworked some of the screen shake (still not entirely complete) -fixed resolution typo (was 700x500, now 700x600), resulting in the sprites being slightly flattened -enemies per wave decreases on later waves -More debug options!! (F7 toggles aspect ratio, F11 now shows the CPU FPS) -game can only be restarted while paused during gameplay (similar case with quitting, but is also doable in menu) -game save upon restarting (F1) -ENOURMOUS behind the scenes changes for getting items to work (mostly on enemies) -WIP windows icon (just to see what I want) -overall volumne increased a tad -balanced unlocks -no longer defaults to small scale window -arena 2 is a proper unlock -"+1" appears for each xp collected -font changes -each character has their own variation of the hud, mainly color differences -further game maker updates appear to have fixed my method of toggling fullscreen... (Note: the issue was most likely specific to the version of gms V5 was compiled on) (WARNING: fullscreen causes immense screen tearing without vsync) -name plates also give attack information -unlock requirements in a similar vain to name plates -can no longer select anything when rebinding key -Ketsu, Shadow, Sal, and Mavv have had their menu icons tweaked -fixed enemy spawn, they no longer spawn inside eachother (Character:) -tweaked wall collision [Ketsu] -primary rate of attack increased (slightly) -in-game sprites tweaked -secondary attack charges faster -arrows are faster and consume more stamana -arrows now have a small trail effect [Shadow] -default hp incrased by 5 -primary strength incrased slightly -in-game sprite tweaked -added proper smoke particle (no longer build in particle effect) -now emits two smoke particles by default; more emit depending on health. -smoke particle move slightly -orb now when it missed an enemy, sends smaller homing orbs, (amount depends on health) far weaker than the large orb -orb moves faster depending on player movement speed -orb sprite had been changed (looks more round and other colors are more pronounced) -orb impact explosion is bigger when it hits an enemy, but is slighly weaker [Sal:] -max hp reduced (AGAIN) -in-game sprites tweaked (HAT!?!?!) -properly centered sprites -bullets have smoke trail by default -primary attack default strength is stronger -primary has a 50% chance of penetrating a single enemy, and is destroyed on the second hit, and is stronger or weaker depending on penetration. (hopefully improving her crowd control) [Maav:] -in-game sprites tweaked -bullets are longer and have mild animations -secondary lasts a little longer -sound for when secondary ends [Trance:] -default hp incrased by 5 -(in-game hair tweaked) -secondary overhauled, now throws 5 knives each stunning and mildly damaging the enemy they hit [All arenas:] -borders increased, hopefully causing less camera catching [Arena 1:] -"optimized" boss' internals, removing pointless bits of code. -the first boss' projectiles deal tons more damage and have a larger homing radius (will follow from farther away) -boss has also has his plain attack revamped (Enemies:) -melee enemy speed adjustments -all enemies have a chance of dropping an item. (bosses always drop) -secondary attacks are weaker to the boss -skeleton archers fire constantly, have a slower rate of fire, but are also stronger -archers also have arrow effect -archers have had an overall tweak in ai ------------------------------------------------------------- 0.5: The little things Desc: This update got me side tracked... alot. But anyway, first update of 2015!!I am toying with the unlock system, all characters (except Ketsu) require an unock (new character unlocks will always use new content old characters such as shadow or sal will use preexisting content, unless I point out otherwise.) NOTICE: Fullscreen is broken as of right now, check change log. [Features:] -WIP currency, has no use other than to tell total score.[will find use in later updates.. maybe] -60 FPS works properly. (after much hassle...) -FPS has a WIP menu button. -Nameplates!! (menu only, will add to in game GUI later) -Factory changes. (partially looks like a factory :D) -Pointer for when there are few enemies left. (mainly for the factory. is also WIP) -EVERYBODY IS UNLOCKABLE!!!...good luck figuring them out >:3 NEW CHARACTER:--- *Trance. a glass cannon, with pricey attacks, but packs a huge punch, yet bearly pushes enemies away. -Special: knock-back blast. [Requires unlock] NEW ENEMIES:--- *??? [im not telling :D] NOTE: both enemies will appear on a certain wave in the second arena, you'll know when >:3 [Fixes/Changes:] (Msc:) -Fullscreen is disabled for now, as it has been broken, I can only assume its reguarding my version of GMS. -All bullets feature their own sprite. [to avoid confusion] -Debug vsync (no AA) [F12]. -Gamepad toggle has been moved to F11 to keep debug featrues bundled. -"points" have changed visually. -Cursor no longer lags behind mouse in 30 FPS. -Save file remembers what FPS setting is chosen. [not vsync] -fixed up gamepad controls a bit. -Sounds are now at 60% volume, will be adjustable in a future update. -Factory tileset changes. -Fixed countdown. -Mouse depth has been adjusted. -In-game hud depth adjusted. -cursor image is properly locked to mouse at all framerates (Characters): -Hit recover time shortened. (making bullets MUCH more dangurous) Ketsu: -stamana nerf. -Rate of attack sped up slightly. -Arrows take more stamana. Shadow: -"smoke" appears more rapidly depending on health. -Attack power nerfed slightly. -orbs knockback enemies now. -orbs explosions fade faster. Maav: -stam takes longer to charge. -mild HP buff. Sal: -gun reload is slightly shorter. -bullets to slightly more damage. -stam takes longer to charge. -quick step takes more stamana. -less mild HP nerf. Enemies: -Skeletons are slightly darker. -All enemies feature a "hit" sprite. -Fireballs turn slightly faster, making them harder to dodge. -Factory robot ai tweaked. -Both factory turrets wander around properly, have a slightly lower rate of fire, and drop potions more often (by bearly much). -Aggressive factory turret actually shoots. ------------------------------------------------------------- 0.4: BIGGEST UPDATE EVAR!! [Features:] -NEW ARENA!! [You need to unlock it first :D] -Arena comes complete three new enemies: *Factory turret [Aggresive] *Factory turret [Passive] *Factory robot -SCREEN SHAAAAAKKEEE!!![attacks only] -WIP gamepad controls. [press enter to toggle] (NOTE: The settings are for the xbox controler. Emulate if necessary.) -NEW CHARACTER!! *Maav -Basic unlock system! [Bug fixes/Changes:] Change-Sal features her own sounds. Change-Shadows colision with enemy sound changed. Change-A few behind the scenes tweaks. Change-F1 restarts. [Useful for unlock] Change-F12 toggles a debug 60 fps. [doubles the speed of EVERYTHING. Also, it's NOT recommended toggleing on and off midgame.] Change-Game now starts in fullscreen by default. Change-Shadow menu select sprite changes slightly. Change-Sal sprites tweaked. [no hat yet :P] Change-Sal has slightly more stamana. Change-Sals bullets are faster, weaker, and have impact animations. Change-All character stat have been tweaked. Change-Menu select sound changed. Change-HUD changes with arena. Change-Tweaked enemy AI to work properly with new arena. Chnage-Bosse(s) will appear when half of the enemies of that wave are defeated. Change-Big gladiator now repels Sal's bullets and shadow's shadow orb (otwright destroying ketsu's arrows) when firing fireballs. Change-Melee enemies is all around faster. Change-All ranged characters have a seperate ammo meter. Change-Ketsu and Shadow's attacks are delayed. Chnage-Ketsu's attack mask tweaked. Fix-Scale and fullscreen toggle should work properly. Fix-Melee enemies attacks now collide properly. Fix-Sals bullets collide with enemies properly. Fix-Stamana should recharge properly. Fix-Having to click multiple times for Ketsu's skill to activate. Fix-Mages no longer fire multiple fireballs. Fix-Mages and bow skeletons collide with player projectiles properly. ------------------------------------------------------------- 0.3.1 (the crash fix) [Bug fixes/Changes:] change- gladiators have two sprite variants change- NEW hit detection, word of caution, it's still slightly buggy :3 fix- gladiator hp bar centered fix- potions no longer crash the game -NOTE: aside from the above ther shouldnt be anything else different so the 0.3 link will be taken down. ------------------------------------------------------------- 0.3 [Additions] -Options menu!! *change controls,mute sound, and basic video options!! -NEW CHARACTER!! *Sal -NEW BOSS!! [reach wave 5] *Big Gladiator -NEW ENEMIES!! *Basic Gladiator [wave 6 and beyond] *Basic Mage [wave ?? and beyond] [Changes & bug fixes] -Shadow stamana nerf from 30 to 25 -Added sounds to characters and menus *not to enemies yet* -.ini contains video and sound options -Character mask is slightly larger -Hud font changed ------------------------------------------------------------- 0.2 [Additions] -NEW CHARACTER!! *Shadow [Changes & bug fixes] -All characters have secondary attacks -Countdown to next round added -Hud shows what wave your on and how many "points" you have. -Behind the scenes clean up (code stuff) ------------------------------------------------------------- 0.1 [initial release]